Memory accounting in SLURM with cgroups
Ever wondered how memory is counted for in SLURM? I was specifically courious whether allocated but unused memory counts against the memory limit and how SLURM kills jobs that exceed their memory limit.
I configured CPU and memory as consumable resources in SLURM with the help of cgroups and the relevant parameters in slurm.conf
are as follows (also don’t forget to add cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1
line in the file /etc/default/grub
on Debian/Ubuntu):
To test this I wrote two small programs. They both allocate a given amount of memory and wait for a given amount of time but mem_use.c
also initialises the memory:
$ diff -y mem_do_nothing.c mem_use.c
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h> #include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
uint32_t mb = atoi(argv[1]); uint32_t mb = atoi(argv[1]);
uint32_t sec = atoi(argv[2]); uint32_t sec = atoi(argv[2]);
char *mem; char *mem;
mem = (char*)malloc(mb * 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(char)); mem = (char*)malloc(mb * 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(char));
> memset(mem, '#', mb * 1024 * 1024);
sleep(sec); sleep(sec);
free(mem); free(mem);
} }
The source files are compiled into an executable binary and assembler:
$ gcc -S -o mem_do_nothing.s mem_do_nothing.c
$ gcc -o mem_do_nothing mem_do_nothing.c
$ gcc -S -o mem_use.s mem_use.c
$ gcc -o mem_use mem_use.c
The assembly only differs in the call to the function memset
. The malloc
in mem_do_nothing.s
is kept although the memory is not used because no compiler optimisation was chosen:
$ diff -y mem_do_nothing.s mem_use.s
.file "mem_do_nothing.c" | .file "mem_use.c"
.text .text
.globl main .globl main
.type main, @function .type main, @function
main: main:
.LFB2: .LFB2:
.cfi_startproc .cfi_startproc
pushq %rbp pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset 6, -16 .cfi_offset 6, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 6 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
subq $32, %rsp subq $32, %rsp
movl %edi, -20(%rbp) movl %edi, -20(%rbp)
movq %rsi, -32(%rbp) movq %rsi, -32(%rbp)
movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq -32(%rbp), %rax
addq $8, %rax addq $8, %rax
movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax
movq %rax, %rdi movq %rax, %rdi
call atoi call atoi
movl %eax, -16(%rbp) movl %eax, -16(%rbp)
movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq -32(%rbp), %rax
addq $16, %rax addq $16, %rax
movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax
movq %rax, %rdi movq %rax, %rdi
call atoi call atoi
movl %eax, -12(%rbp) movl %eax, -12(%rbp)
movl -16(%rbp), %eax movl -16(%rbp), %eax
sall $20, %eax sall $20, %eax
movl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %eax
movq %rax, %rdi movq %rax, %rdi
call malloc call malloc
movq %rax, -8(%rbp) movq %rax, -8(%rbp)
> movl -16(%rbp), %eax
> sall $20, %eax
> movl %eax, %edx
> movq -8(%rbp), %rax
> movl $35, %esi
> movq %rax, %rdi
> call memset
movl -12(%rbp), %eax movl -12(%rbp), %eax
movl %eax, %edi movl %eax, %edi
call sleep call sleep
movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq -8(%rbp), %rax
movq %rax, %rdi movq %rax, %rdi
call free call free
movl $0, %eax movl $0, %eax
leave leave
.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8 .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
ret ret
.cfi_endproc .cfi_endproc
.LFE2: .LFE2:
.size main, .-main .size main, .-main
.ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) 5.4.0 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) 5.4.0
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
The binaries are now executed with different parameters via SLURM. The submit scripts also include an echo
command to check whether something happens afterwards.
Using more memory than requested and staying below 30 seconds works:
#SBATCH --mem=42
~/mem_use 1337 10
echo "done"
Using more memory then requested and running for more than 30 seconds fails:
#SBATCH --mem=42
~/mem_use 1337 40
echo "done"
slurmstepd: Job 175463 exceeded memory limit (1373120 > 43008), being killed
slurmstepd: Exceeded job memory limit
slurmstepd: *** JOB 175463 ON node017 CANCELLED AT 2018-08-31T13:24:43 ***
Allocating more memory than requested and running for more than 30 seconds works:
#SBATCH --mem=42
~/mem_do_nothing 1337 40
echo "done"
For completeness sake I also provide the accounting data. There you can see that the job which allocates and uses more memory is killed after 30 seconds. I also tested other timings and the job always got killed at half or full minutes:
$ sacct -P -o JobID,Elapsed,REQMEM,MaxRSS,ExitCode -j 175462,175463,175464 | column -s '|' -t
JobID Elapsed ReqMem MaxRSS ExitCode
175462 00:00:11 42Mn 0:0
175462.batch 00:00:11 42Mn 1140K 0:0
175463 00:00:30 42Mn 0:0
175463.batch 00:00:32 42Mn 1373120K 0:15
175464 00:00:40 42Mn 0:0
175464.batch 00:00:40 42Mn 3624K 0:0
TLDR: You can allocate as much memory as you want to, only really used memory counts for SLURM/cgroups. Also you can use as much memory as you want to until the next 30 second interval is reached.